Lesson: Counting to 10 in Navajo

Lesson Overview

  • Objective: Learning robotics and Navajo language together
  • Recommended grade level: 4th-6th grade
  • Time to complete: < 1 hour

Materials needed

  • LEGO SPIKE Prime Hub
  • Laptop and microphone to record audio for counting
  • At least 1 sensor

Problem Statement

You want to teach your friends how to count from 1 to 10 in Navajo. Create a game where you program your robot to say the numbers in Navajo out loud when a point is scored!

Example robot (Dinésh Chįįn)

Suggestions for calibrating difficulty

  • To make it easier: Have your robot count all the numbers from 1-10 when the sensor detects something.
  • To make it a little harder: Have your robot display the numbers as it counts them.
  • To make it a lot harder: Have your robot keep track of how many times it has sensed something and count just that number.